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Here's Daddy

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Here's Daddy

This old college professor finds a way to silence cute, young coed Carmen Callaway, by shoving his cock down the throat!Kacy Lane climbs the corporate ladder by climbing on the boss's cock, who also happens to be her boyfriend's father!Distracted by two hot, young customers, a middle aged waiter drifts off into a lustful fantasy with big titted patron Bliss Dulce!Sent home from school for bad behavior, Carmen Caliente encourages her step father to keep quiet with a sweaty, midday fuck!

Duration: 103 minutes
From the series: Here's Daddy
Directed by: Peter North 
Studio: North Pole Enterprises 

Watch these pornstars in Here's Daddy :
 • Reagan Ross  • Xander Corvus  • Jay Crew  • Kacy Lane  • John Strong  • Carmen Caliente  • Claudio  • Carmen Callaway


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