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Gutter Mouths 32

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Gutter Mouths 32

Sierra Sin - Whores say the darnedest things, and Sierra is no exception. Watch as she orders her guy to add more fingers to her tight little pussy and to cum in her dirty mouth. This slut spouts off like a septic tank, and I'm sure this scene will become favorite of yours to stroke to for years to come.Nikki Nievez - This foul mouthed fuckhole speaks the vile and eats the bile in this amazing Guttermouths scene. There's just something special about watching a whore wash her own dirty mouth out with the fluid of stroke. Priceless!Celeste Star - Celeste Star isn't stupid. She knows she's a few years past her prime. Which for scumbags like you and me is a good thing. Think about it. If your competition is all younger and prettier then you have to try harder. Watch as Celeste gets all of her holes blown out just to prove that she still has some self-worth. (LOL. The bitch couldn't shit right for over a week after this scene.)Genesis Skye - Genesis proves that you can put a price on dignity. Entering the world of porn less than a year ago, Genesis has taken the downward spiral faster than most. It seems like just yesterday she was telling me how in love she was, and how she's only going to do a few scenes to make some quick cash. Now look at her. She's been reduced to a cum eating, ass fucking shell of a human being. Which makes me sad and hard!

Duration: 112 minutes
From the series: Gutter Mouths
Directed by: Jim Powers 
Studio: JM Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Gutter Mouths 32 :
 • Genesis Skye  • Trent Tesoro  • Lee Stone  • Celestia Star  • Alex Sanders  • Sierra Sinn  • Rick Masters  • Nikki Nievez


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