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World Cup Wankers

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World Cup Wankers

The sporting event of the summer arrives in a blaze of glory and no, were not talking about whats happened in Brazil these past few weeks! Yuri Adamov, Shane Hirch, Sven Laarson and Johny Cruz lead from the front for a full ninety minutes of prime-time sporting fornication thatll have you reaching for the tissues long before the final whistle! No need for the excitement of penalties with these boys. Instead, sit back, unzip and get your balls get drained time and time again by the hottest festival of football imaginable!

Duration: 113 minutes

Directed by: John Smith 
Studio: Staxus Collection 

Watch these pornstars in World Cup Wankers :
 • Shane Hirch  • Yuri Adamov  • Jace Reed  • Johnny Cruz  • Darko Simic  • Sven Larsson  • Alexander Dorch


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