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FemDom 4: Bad Girls

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FemDom 4: Bad Girls

Human Candelabra: Strapped to the bondage bench, Ava's legs are spread far apart, a barrier is placed in front of her head and face are to obscure her view. Mistress Irony, places lit candles between her toes and fingers, watching as the hot wax slowly runs down the candle and sears Ava's delicate skin. With a significant amount of wax covering her body, Irony decides that maybe Ava deserves a bit a pleasure, after all she did make a fantastic candle stick.

Duration: 63 minutes
From the series: Femdom
Directed by: Colin Rowntree 
Studio: Wasteland Studios 

Watch these pornstars in FemDom 4: Bad Girls :
 • Jada Sinn  • Goddess Starla  • Mistress Irony  • Nessie  • Leila Hazlett  • Ava  • Leileyn


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