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Musee Hom

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Musee Hom

At Hom Museum, what are the real masterpieces? The men statues and curious young visitors? A young man accompanies his mother but mostly focuses on the still young soldier on duty. The student at the Fine Arts detects a fake statue but falls on a real bone with the head guard. In the evening, when the tourists left, do Adonis, Antinous and Apollos have a secret life?

Duration: 92 minutes

Directed by: Jean-Daniel Cadinot 
Studio: CiteBeur Cadinot-Fr 

Watch these pornstars in Musee Hom :
 • Patrick Ferniot  • Florent Mareuil  • Lucien Lebrun  • Sami Cheikib  • Sven Trenka  • Jean-Claude Marest  • Giuseppe Velli  • Julio Perez  • Claudio Rosso  • Yann Fellec  • Akim Benja  • Vincent Jammet  • David Baumane  • Alexandre Parrys


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