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In the five years since it opened, Truck has become one of San Francisco's most infamous bars, a place where the pours are loose and the men are looser. It's always been a bit of a local secret, until now. In Truck, a new hardcore feature from Naked Sword Originals, owner Paul Miller opens up about some of the bar's dirtier stories; the invite-only "Speakeasy" parties, the backdoor bartenders, the customers that stick around after closing an unrivaled cast of hot men bring them to life. Find out what really goes on when the lights go down, as Mr. Pam and the Naked Sword crew uncover the sweaty, sex-drenched tales behind this San Francisco institution

Duration: 108 minutes
From the series: Truck
Directed by: mr. Pam 
Studio: Naked Sword 

Watch these pornstars in Truck :
 • Randall O'Reilly  • Mitch Vaughn  • Conner Habib  • Brayden Forrester  • Conner  • Jake Genesis  • Christian Wilde  • Tate Ryder


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