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Father's Day

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Father's Day

With his wife out of town, a man finds himself in a dangerously tempting situation when his stepdaughter suggests they play a game of strip poker. Charmed by her stepfather's sexual innocence, a young woman provides him with hands-on instruction about the joys of anal sex. A big-time Hollywood agent schools his stepdaughter on the importance of using sex as a way to get ahead. After taking her stepfather on a date to her sorority's semi-formal dance, a young woman uses her powers of persuasion to convince him that there's nothing wrong with a little post-date sex - even between family members.

Duration: 116 minutes
From the series: Tabu Tales
Directed by: Eddie Powell 
Studio: Digital Sin 

Watch these pornstars in Father's Day :
 • Remy LaCroix  • Alec Knight  • Steven St. Croix  • Lucy Tyler  • Evan Stone  • Dillion Harper  • Mark Wood  • Casey Calvert


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