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Taboo Tales 90

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Taboo Tales 90

Scene 1: Ambitious Rachel is dismayed when her late husband leaves all of the family fortune to her son Brad. Putting her cunning mind to work, she dreams up a scheme in which she will seduce the young man and subject him to some very intense sex. The strain of it will most likely finish him off since he has a weak heart. Over the coming days, Rachel flirts with Brad and wears sexy outfits in his presence. She gets the young man so turned on that he is eventually desperate to have sex with her. Trickery pays off as, up in her room, she gives the young man the best and final fuck of his life. Scene 2: Rachel and her sister Stacie get stranded in a hotel during a storm. With them is their nephew Max. Bored and horny, the two women begin competitively flirting with Max to pass the time. Matters are made even more interesting by the fact there's only one bed in the room. The night-time intimacy of aunts and nephew eventually leads to them enjoying an unforgettable taboo threesome.

Duration: 72 minutes
From the series: Taboo Tales

Studio: Rachel Steele 

Watch these pornstars in Taboo Tales 90 :
 • Rachel Steel  • Stacie Starr


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