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Roommate Wanted 4: The Catch

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Roommate Wanted 4: The Catch

When Joseph Rough sees an ad for $100 a month rent, he knows there's a catch. But when Colby Keller answers the door in his underwear, it's less catch than caught. Keller's a novelist looking for a helping hand and a mouth and ass, for that matter. When he drops his pen, Joseph drops to his knees, and the real work begins. Or is it play? Joseph swallows Colby whole, and it isn't long before he's providing the whole resume. Colby fucks him with creativity of a true artist, and Joseph takes it like someone who's not only got the job, and got the place, but has the work ethic to do it three times a day!

Duration: 23 minutes
From the series: Roommate Wanted
Directed by: mr. Pam 
Studio: Naked Sword 

Watch these pornstars in Roommate Wanted 4: The Catch :
 • Liam Harkmoore  • Dylan Knight  • Boomer Banks  • Luke Harding  • Cam Christou  • Leo Forte  • Joseph Rough  • Colby Keller  • Rey Luis


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