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Oh the tangled beds we weave!Liz and her husband Tony are longtime lovers looking for a little excitement to heighten their passion. They find it in the form of beautiful Voila, with whom they have a climactic 3-way. But the real climax come when Liz leaves poor Tony for her. A year later Voila is back, not Liz, and she tells Tony that Liz intends to return, but that Tony must reject her because she is her only true love. Will Tony respect the wishes of the woman who stole his wife? Or is something else at play here? A slight of hand, a bit of dark magic, that eludes even Voila? B. Skow presents his debut boy/girl effort for Girlfriends Films filled with his trademark brand of incredible sex, plus the sensuality and authenticity you expect from Girlfriends. The result? Voila! A joining story and sexuality you won't soon forget.

Duration: 158 minutes

Directed by: B. Skow 
Studio: Girlfriends Films Skow 

Watch these pornstars in Voila :
 • Yurizan Beltran  • Dana DeArmond  • Kris Slater  • Veruca James  • Earl Slate  • Penny Pax  • Gigi  • Dani Daniels


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