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Heavy Duty Nurses

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Heavy Duty Nurses

Heavy Duty Nurses have a medical bag full of goodies for whatever might ail you. In this movie, the buxom horny nurses perform lesbian exams, participate in some massive jugs bondage, take rides on a horny patient, a well-hung doctor and their dildos along with one nurse who finds herself with massive milk filled udders in need of lactation. Rather its massive tits, a booty that never stops, a mouth that can suck the infection right out of you these nurses can cure anything a horny male might suffer from. When you have a pressure in your pants, a Heavy Duty Nurse certainly will know how to cure it.

Duration: 93 minutes

Studio: Melonjuggler Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Heavy Duty Nurses :
 • Sapphire 38L  • Madison Blush  • Mature Sally  • Kore Goddess  • Andi XXX  • Kissy Barnes  • Wendy Watkins


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