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Addict: Addicted To Lust

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Addict: Addicted To Lust

What's it take to turn fantasy into reality? In the second episode of Naked Swords Addict, star-fetishist Trelino is about to find out. Bubble-butted Trelino has been fantasizing about porn star Christian Wilde for years, and lately, it's become compulsive. His apartment is a multimedia shrine to Wilde worship, and tonight, wearing only a jock-strap, Trelino is about to have his wish granted. While pawing at a photo, and by sheer desire, Christian appears, and Trelino wastes no time. He grabs at Christian's large cock, chocking it down like water after a workout. But if Trelino thinks he's in control, he's mistaken. Before long Christian whips Trelino around, and starts a deep pounding that nearly breaks him. But when loads are blown and eyes opened, Wilde's gone a fantasy once more. And was he ever there to begin with?

Duration: 21 minutes
From the series: Addict
Directed by: mr. Pam 
Studio: Naked Sword 

Watch these pornstars in Addict: Addicted To Lust :
 • Christian Wilde  • Trelino


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