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Gorgeous Butt Humping Buddies

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Gorgeous Butt Humping Buddies

Ahhh, the lovely Nathan B and the equally lovely Adam. Would they hit it off, I asked myself? Mmmm, two hot and horny guys, one being a rampant top and the other being a very eager bottom... could it work? Was I expecting too much from these experienced and lustful guys? Of course not... they absolutely hit it off just fine... and so would you if you had the same opportunity.Adam is a REAL big kisser... he loves nothing more than making his tongue connect with his partner and Nathan B sure wasn't complaining! After a healthy romp around the bed the guys got down to stripping off and worshipping each other's bodies. More kissing, licking, cock-sucking and nibbling ensued, but what I really loved about these two is how playful they were with each other.Yep, there are some real genuine moments of relaxed horny fun here, that's for sure! Adam and Nathan B teased and played with each other way before they started fucking... and you've simply got to love it when the guys smile and are passionate with each other! So just sit back and let things take their natural course. Hell, Adam & Nathan B sure did and spunk ended up flying everywhere... as usual.

Duration: 19 minutes

Directed by: Blake Mason 
Studio: Dudes In Heat Media PornPlays 

Watch these pornstars in Gorgeous Butt Humping Buddies :
 • Will Jamieson  • Nathan Brookes


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