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Let's Fuck

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Let's Fuck

Adam Herst and Jackson Lawless practically tear each other apart - just getting their clothes off! The flip fuck action heats up from there, as they both fuck their hardest. Edin Sol gets totally turned on by Topher DiMaggio's flexing and posing, and shows his appreciation by sucking Topher deep and long. Then it's fuck time as Topher rams Edin from behind, and Edin rides Topher's cock like a bucking bronco.Massive cumshots follow. Passionate kissing and heavy petting get the action going for Marco Rochelle and Brad Benton, who are totally into each other. Before long, Marco is totally into Brad's ass pounding away until Brad unleashes a huge load, then Marco sprays a big load all over Brad's stiff cock. Kyle King Surprises a napping Jake Deckard by plopping his gorgeous ass right onto Jakes' face. With that starting point, you can just imagine the hard core action these two superstars engage in. Kyle's facial and the snowballing end the scene as hotly as it started.

Duration: 118 minutes
From the series: Let's Fuck - Jake Cruise Media
Directed by: Jake Cruise 
Studio: Jake Cruise Cocksure Men 

Watch these pornstars in Let's Fuck :
 • Kyle King  • Adam Herst  • Jake Deckard  • Edin Sol  • Brad Benton  • Topher DiMaggio  • Marco Rochelle  • Jackson Lawless


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