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Jock Inn

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Jock Inn

When a rugby team descends on a quiet Yorkshire hotel, they check-in more than some kit bags! Best mates Darius and Diesel plan to make the most of their time away from the field and away from home. The guys are quick to notice The Jock Inn is staffed by some seriously hot men.Darius takes a special interest in waiter Leo and concocts a plan to get him to his room, alone at first.Chef Justin is a hot head, angry and clearly sexually frustrated, though he finds a way to relieve in the kitchen, maybe willing waiter JP can sort him out for good? Manager Adam has noticed Leo spending far too much time away from the floor and after a guest complaint gets him into his office for some serious one-on-one discipline, abusing more than his power.Being so remote the bar area can often get pretty lonely. JP takes an interest in his patrons and tries to keep them entertained if not for his own company but to alleviate the boredom, though he gets a little more than he bargained for with rugger bugger Diesel.

Duration: 102 minutes

Studio: UKHotJocks 

Watch these pornstars in Jock Inn :
 • Justin Blake  • Diesel O'Green  • Leo Domenico  • J.P. Dubois  • Darius Ferdynand  • Adam Nivad


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