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Director and super porn star Ashley Ryder is back and this time brings his new favorite toy into the mix! Presenting one of the most merciless fuck machines to all his friends, he challenges each and every one of them to see how far they can go with it, and his mates dont disappoint! Inviting megastars Dean Monroe, JP Dubois and Kayden Gray, they either take it on alone, or bring support with them and have a melee of real dick, fake dick and a whole lot of juice being used as they push themselves and their holes further than ever before. Youll be egging them on as they crank up the speed dial and jerking faster and faster in time with the thrusting and pumping of the steel and silicone being pushed and pounded into their loosened and hungry holes!!

Duration: 71 minutes

Directed by: Ashley Ryder 
Studio: Bulldog XXX Eurocreme Group 

Watch these pornstars in Drilled :
 • Bruno Fox  • Jonny Kingdom  • Dolan Wolf  • Dean Monroe  • Kayden Gray  • J.P. Dubois  • Lyle Boyce


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