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Tokyo Strangler

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Tokyo Strangler

Danger lurks around every corner! A psychopathic serial killer is tying up, taking advantage of Tokyos sexy young women!Kathy is trying to divorce her husband, all the while conducting a hot affair with her divorce attorney, Sean. As she walks through the park one day, she witnesses the killer disposing of the dead body of his latest victim. The killer begins stalking her, throwing her otherwise normal life into a paranoid frenzy. Mr. Pink (Yutaka Ikejima) masterfully directs this suspenseful Pink-Film retelling of Alfred Hitchcocks Frenzy.

Duration: 62 minutes

Directed by: Yutaka Ikejima 
Studio: Pink Eiga 

Watch these pornstars in Tokyo Strangler :
 • Rika Shirai  • Mayuko Sasaki  • Kikujiro Honda  • Yutaka Ikejima  • Mitsumasa Sato  • Yasushi Takemoto  • Itsuka Harusaki  • Guriko Yamanote  • Kenichi Kanbe  • Yuki Mikami  • Yuria Hidaka  • Kazu Itsuki


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