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Young Lovers

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Young Lovers

Love is in the air, especially here at BLAKEMASON this Valentines weekend! We thought we'd bring you something very special - real life lovers - so let me introduce you to Corey and Thom who chose to share themselves with the world. And let's face it, it's not often two cute young lovers like Corey and Thom are willing to share what goes on behind closed doors... aren't we lucky!So let's be clear about this - it's a one-time only film from both of these guys. There are no solos to follow, no cheeky threesome, just a one-off film from a young couple at the height of their sexual prime! The guys start with some fervent kissing which leads on to some serious cock sucking before they form a hot sixty nine where they swallow each other to the hilt... these guys have been practicing ;-)Corey takes the lead and moves the action on... and Thom is more than happy to sink his cock into his lovers willing hole! Now, 18 year olds really do fuck like rabbits and Thom maintains a nice fast fucking pace throughout... he really pummels Corey's cute ass (much to his pleasure!). But when Corey gets back on top it doesn't take long for his cock to pump out rope after rope of hot cum... and he then settles back and like a true lover wanks Thom off to completion. Beautiful!

Duration: 24 minutes

Studio: Dudes In Heat Media PornPlays 

Watch these pornstars in Young Lovers :
 • Corey  • Thom


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