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Tommy and James are old college roommates who haven't seen each other in years. After splitting up with his wife, Tommy shows up on James' doorstep with a duffle bag, a forlorn look, and no place to sleep. James and his girlfriend have a great little life and a great little home, but all that will soon change, as James learns that the oldest of friends can become the oddest of nightmares. Join James Deen in his first major directorial feature as he brings his trademark brand of subtle humor to the screen...along with two 3-ways, two anals, an interracial and a DP! If anyone misses this, they don't know squat.

Duration: 92 minutes

Directed by: James Deen 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

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 • Chastity Lynn  • Tommy Pistal  • D-Snoop  • Veruca James  • Remy LaCroix  • Mr. Pete  • Annikka Albrite  • James Deen  • Ash Hollywood


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