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Lesbian Doms and Subs 3: Lesbians on Parole

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Lesbian Doms and Subs 3: Lesbians on Parole

Upper-class brunette Samantha Ryan has paid her debt to society and is released from prison and sent to a halfway house run. But upon the quiet beauty's arrival, sexy bald bully Kinky Gaga makes it clear that she's in charge. Meanwhile, dominant lesbian Elexis Monroe punishes submissive Lotus Lain for flirting with Samantha, drunken house mother Vicky Vixen asserts her authority to curvy young Sophia Jade, and angry Lea Lush takes jewelry thief Annabelle Lee to task.

Duration: 115 minutes
From the series: Lesbian Doms And Subs
Directed by: Nica Noelle 
Studio: Girl Candy Films 

Watch these pornstars in Lesbian Doms and Subs 3: Lesbians on Parole :
 • Sophia Jade  • Niky Bleu  • Savannah James  • Kinky Gaga  • Samantha Ryan  • Lotus Lain  • Annabelle Lee  • Vicky Vixen


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