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Daddy Knows Best

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Daddy Knows Best

Daddy does indeed know best, and he has just the right tools to teach his younger charge some important lessons in life. Preston Steel helps out young Noah Carlisle with his college fees, paying him for that sweet ass, Kyler Moss has more chores to complete before daddy Bryan Slater is truly satisfied, and delivery boy Phillip Ashton gets a deliciously rewarding tip from Adam Russo, plus the rest of his length in his hole! But that's just the start, physical therapist Drake Mitchell abuses his position to give Ryan Sharp the kind of deep massage the boy needs, and Mike Manchester teams up with Josh Bensan to show the twink how to ride a big daddy dick. These boys need someone to look up to and admire, and their muscled horny elders have the throbbing inches needed to gain some respect - and a cum drenching climax too!

Duration: 107 minutes

Directed by: Andy Kay 
Studio: PornPlays 

Watch these pornstars in Daddy Knows Best :
 • Kyler Moss  • Noah Carlisle  • Bryan Slater  • Drake Mitchell  • Ryan Sharp  • Mike Manchester  • Phillip Ashton  • Josh Bensan  • Adam Russo  • Preston Steel


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