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Fresh-Faced Freshmen

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Fresh-Faced Freshmen

Taylor, Dylan, Darin, and Mason- 4 of the youngest, cutest, most fresh-faced Freshman to ever appear at CF. Despite their youth, innocence and inexperience, CF's studly veterans didn't take it easy on these guys! Our frosh get fucked, drilled, and relentlessly pounded in the hottest jock-on-twink scenes of CF! See what happens when the upperclassmen get a hold of some freshmen ass, and show them just what it takes to make it at Corbin Fisher!

Duration: 79 minutes

Directed by: Corbin Fisher 
Studio: Corbin Fisher 

Watch these pornstars in Fresh-Faced Freshmen :
 • Mason (m)  • Connor  • Lucas  • Dylan  • Taylor (m)  • Darin


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