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The sexy Ryko Watanabe stars as Ami, a jaded housewife who pitches herself, body and soul, into the Tokyo decadence of the decade in an attempt to pep up her marriage. She secretly joins the elite Madame Machiko Society Club to experiment with discrete sex games and the thrill of making love to anonymous men. The sexual perversion and sick depravity she is subjected to, by her clients, is much more than she bargained for. Bondage, beads and whips are only the beginning! Can she escape this secret life she has chosen, or will it destroy her forever?

Duration: 70 minutes

Directed by: Hidehiro Ito 
Studio: Impulse 

Watch these pornstars in Debauchery :
 • Mizuho Nakagawa  • Ryoko Watanabe  • Serina Nishikawa


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