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Army Boy And Twink Suck And Bareback

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Army Boy And Twink Suck And Bareback

Josh lived on an Army base near me, and although he is straight he really wanted to try doing stuff with guys. He had never been with a guy before, but was very curious and open. Miles was horny and thought it would be fun to do a scene with Josh, so I set it up.Josh had to drive about 45 minutes to get here, so I told Miles I'd just call him when he arrived. Josh got lost and it took twice as long, but he finally arrived. He was so fucking hot and he mentioned maybe doing some stuff with me off camera to practice.I was all for that when the doorbell rang and it was Miles. He got tired of waiting and just came over. I was a little disappointed but figured we'd just go ahead and film since it was getting late.The original idea was for Josh to fuck Miles (which he did some), but the tables quickly turned. I had left the room for a bit so they could get to know each other more (with the camera running), and when I came back Miles was pounding Josh...bareback! I had to quickly get the camera so as not to miss his cum shot.They explained that it just kinda happened. They fooled around some more and ended up jacking off side by side afterward. They both nutted which was the second time for Miles. I think that was a one time thing for Josh. Maybe just something he wanted to try and get it out of his system. All I know is that I had fun watching and hope you do too.

Duration: 24 minutes

Directed by: Steve Myer 
Studio: Sex in Clothes 

Watch these pornstars in Army Boy And Twink Suck And Bareback :
 • Josh  • Miles


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