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Everyone is outside enjoying the hot weather and having a drink while The Lonerstays inside sulking. The guys all come in and decide to give him some much needed affection. A group of friends get together to play a game of spin the bottle. The only catch is, if it lands on you than your taking load after load of hot cum. A group of guys are trying to decide who is going to be The Bitch out of all of them. So they have a race. The loser has to take it like The bitch that he is. After finding the mystical treasure the group of men have to stay hidden for awhile. But as a bonus they get to unwind on one lucky man.

Duration: 104 minutes
From the series: GayKakke
Directed by: KK 
Studio: Mile High Media Mr. Male Reality 

Watch these pornstars in GayKakke :
 • Marcus Kirk  • Timoti  • Luke Taylor  • Stanley Stone  • Benjamin  • Andy  • Nick Daniels  • George Basten  • Max Born  • Gery Rake  • Enzo Bloom  • David Bracleman  • Savkov  • Robert  • Nick Gill  • Andy West  • Ennio Guardi  • Paul Fresh  • Joseph  • Roman Klaska  • Zack Hood  • Tony Angelo  • Dee (m)


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