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Sean was referred to me by my buddy, "Major Wood." Sean had mentioned to him that he was looking for a way to make some money; the Major told him he knew a way! Sean arrived a little tired from a night of partying, his jeans hugging his thick legs. "I'm awake," he said with a laugh. "Just barely." But as soon as he started talking about his sexual fantasy of having a threesome, Sean started to perk up.He stripped his clothes off and revealed his smooth 18 y/o body, along with his own major wood, which was raring to go.Sean leaned back and started jacking himself slowly, his big low-hanging balls filling up with cum. As his cock got harder and thicker, he stood up, showing off his meat. His bedroom eyes kept looking into the camera, as if he was daring me to help him out with the task at hand. I decided to roll the dice and see what happened if I reached in to help him out.

Duration: 18 minutes

Studio: Spunk Worthy Video 

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