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Heavy Duty Fuckers

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Heavy Duty Fuckers

When you are a heavy duty horny slut with super sized tits a regular old fucking just won't cut it. A heavy duty BBW needs a heavy duty fucking unlike any other to satisfy every ounce of her horniess. Kissy Barnes and Kandi Kobain find their pleasures by tag teaming lucky Johnnie and giving him a heavy duty fucking he isn't likely to forget. Sapphire 38L gets a heavy duty fucking from her boyfriend who finds the weight of her boobs and plump ass to be substantial and gives her a hefty pounding unlike any other. Fat and Busty Honey Rox takes a heavy duty fucking to her sloppy, slippery box. And Veronica Vaughn, the queen of heavy duty fucking, likes to take it only one way and that is with two cocks pounding her heavy at the same time. Heavy duty girls need a heavy duty fucking and these lucky guys sure know how to deliver what is needed by these busty sluts!

Duration: 91 minutes
From the series: Heavy Duty Fuckers

Studio: Melonjuggler Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Heavy Duty Fuckers :
 • Sapphire 38L  • Honey Rox  • Kissy Barnes  • Kandi Kobain  • Veronica Vaughn


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