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Untie Me Then Let's Fuck: Lacey Marie

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Untie Me Then Let's Fuck: Lacey Marie

Returning to my studio after renting it to a bondage photographer, I found my sweet girl Lacey Marie bound and gagged on our bed!I thought he was on a break, but he'd left her there! Not paying her, or me for renting my studio! When I saw Lacey all alone and bound there, it really did turn me on though, so when I freed her, she fucked me good as a thank you!

Duration: 64 minutes
From the series: Untie Me Then Let's Fuck
Directed by: Gerald Saunders 
Studio: Spungy Gunk Films 

Watch these pornstars in Untie Me Then Let's Fuck: Lacey Marie :
 • Gerald Saunders  • Lacey Marie


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