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Amazonia Rules

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Amazonia Rules

Huge, gigantic, goddess Amazonia overpowers all humans in this 6 scene movie! The human males are jerked-off! From the planet called a galaxy far, far goddess Amazonia! When a human tries to capture her and bring her to earth... she disables him by jerking him off!Five humans have traveled all the way to her planet to capture her, but they are no match for her! Amazonia picks up the humans, mesmerizes them with her huge muscles and huge breasts, sits on them and laughs at the tiny men! Amazonia disables the humans by masturbating them until they expel their human sperm all over the sandy ground of Amazon! Every time the humans send someone to capture Amazonia they always send a stupid is that? Males are always distracted by Goddess Amazonia's gigantic size...and her huge, gigantic tits! Maybe the humans should try sending a female next time.

Duration: 35 minutes

Studio: Jerky Girls 

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 • Amazonia


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