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Mom's Cuckold 12

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Mom's Cuckold 12

While Reading a book Raylene gets disturbed by her zero of a husband. He then convinces her to make lunch for him and his boss so he will get a raise. But Raylene has other ways of getting him that raise. Indias husband has no clue about ANYTHING and is completely useless; good thing Jon Jon is there. Once Jon Jon is done fixing the sink, India figures that she can get her pipes cleaned as well. Nikki decides to be a House Mom for an exchange student. When confronted by her ziltch of a husband she decides that its a good time to show him how a real man treats a lady. Nat heads next door in a furious rage because Austins dog wont shut up. Nat is then confronted by Austins pussy for a husband. So Nat decides to show him how a real man should act.

Duration: 136 minutes
From the series: Mom's Cuckold
Directed by: Bobby Manila 
Studio: Mile High Media Reality Junkies 

Watch these pornstars in Mom's Cuckold 12 :
 • Prince Yahshua  • Jon Jon  • India Summer  • Raylene  • Austin Taylor  • Nat Turner  • Nikki Sexx


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