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Even the most masculine of men want to be beautiful inside and out, and when Lucas Raunchs sexiest guys give in to their own feminine wiles they turn into complete and utter PantyHos! Lucas Entertainment Exclusive Justin Cruise debuts in a sleek pair of stockings and seduces a lustful, sex-hungry Adam Killian. Christopher Daniels and Jeremy Stevens let go of their inhibitions by tearing their panties and stockings to shreds as they fuck each other. Vito Gallo and Mitchell Rock push their masculinity to the brink by wearing corsets and stockings during their deep-penetrating romp between the sheets. Aaron Blake slips into something more comfortable for Jimmy Durano, who shows the blond beauty the true meaning of power top. And Jessie Colter displays his stunning legs in a pair of fishnets before eagerly wrapping them around Jessy Ares. All of the PantyHos are ready to act like the true whores they really are!

Duration: 165 minutes

Studio: Lucas Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Pantyhos :
 • Mitchell Rock  • Christopher Daniels  • Jimmy Durano  • Jessy Ares  • Vito Gallo  • Justin Cruise  • Jeremy Stevens  • Aaron Blake  • Adam Killian  • Jessie Colter


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