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The Horseman

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The Horseman

Married man Joe Loughlin (Logan Vaughn) is struggling with a secret desire for other men. In a last-ditch effort to save his marriage, he and pretty wife Terri (Samantha Ryan) leave their high pressured city jobs and move to a country horse ranch to "start over." Unfortunately, studly ranch hand Jake (Tommy Defendi) is more tempting than any man Joe has ever seen. As the conflicted husband falls in lust with the swaggering horseman, his marriage again begins to crumble, and only Jake can save him from a life of deceit. Starring Tommy Defendi, Logan Vaughn, Chase Young, Duncan Black, Boston Miles, Dylan Hauser with character appearances by Samantha Ryan and Dana Dearmond. Written and directed by Nica Noelle.

Duration: 139 minutes

Directed by: Nica Noelle 
Studio: Rock Candy Films 

Watch these pornstars in The Horseman :
 • Chase Young  • Dylan Hauser  • Tommy Defendi  • Duncan Black  • Samantha Ryan  • Logan Vaughn  • Dana DeArmond  • Boston Miles


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