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Naked Kombat: Leo Lust Vs Tony Vega

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Naked Kombat: Leo Lust Vs Tony Vega

Tony Vega and Leo Lust are brand new to NK. Tony plans to use the skills he learned defending himself again his three older brothers while growing up to dominate his opponent. Tony has the weight advantage and he's planning to take full advantage of it. Leo wants to take down Tony using his agility and endurance as well as his karate experience. He's lusting to fuck Tony's juicy ass when he wins this match, but Tony plans to overpower Leo, spank his pretty ass, and then fuck it all over the mat.

Duration: 48 minutes
From the series: Naked Kombat

Studio: KinkMen 

Watch these pornstars in Naked Kombat: Leo Lust Vs Tony Vega :
 • Tony Vega  • Leo Lust


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