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Decadent Desires

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Decadent Desires

The wealthy and perverted Clanddi, owner of the luxurious manor, takes care of training her charming maids. She doesn't hesitate to put everything she has into teaching the pleasures of the flesh to these hussy trainees. Clanddi wants to try out her submissive employees and put their skills to the test herself. After she has brought them a super hung stud, Clanddi realizes with great pleasure that Cindy, Nasta Zya and Anna are real experts in fellatio and sodomy.After a taxing day of work, Tarra falls is really tired. She dreams that three men are pursuing her in the rain and are making her suck their huge dicks. It's futile trying to resist the pleasure, and Tarra ends up by giving herself to them completely. She wakes up and finds her pussy dripping wet with bliss!

Duration: 110 minutes

Directed by: Marc Dorcel 
Studio: Marc Dorcel Marc Dorcel SBO 

Watch these pornstars in Decadent Desires :
 • Angelica Kitten  • Tarra White  • J.P.X.  • Bianca  • Anna Polina  • Eufrat  • Clanddi H Jinkcego  • Martin Gun  • Silvie Deluxe  • Frank Major  • Nasta Zya  • Mike Angelo  • Jessyca Wilson  • Ariel  • Cindy Dollar


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