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Fox Holes

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Fox Holes

These girls are great on maneuvers! The E.R.A. finally gets it's wish - women reach full equality with men in Fox Holes! Congress passes a law making women subject to the draft. Needless to say, the woman's upper brass react quickly and twelve beautiful, female recruits become part of a combat platoon and are immediately transferred to a secret combat training camp. The camp is run by a female-hating Colonel and his incompetent but arrogant assistant, Major Storm. Fox Holes movie The macho sergeant falls in love with the beautiful lieutenant (Linda Joy) and army regulations give way to personal desires. It doesn't take the upper brass long to decide that a mock war between the females and males is just what is needed to prove women are inferior to men. Major Storm's plan is loaded with double dealing to insure the females lose the war.

Duration: 79 minutes

Directed by: Bob Augustus 
Studio: Gourmet Video Collection 

Watch these pornstars in Fox Holes :
 • Phillips Toris  • R.J. Reynolds  • Vanessa Del Rio  • Bobby Reed  • Lee Carol  • Herschel Savage  • Jack Mason  • Juliet Anderson  • Shawn Michelle  • Aaron Stuart  • Tara Aire  • James Hamling  • Jeff Barco  • Paul Thomas  • Heather Gordan  • Kelly Grant  • Drea  • Luke Gusher  • Lisa De Leeuw  • Linda Joy  • Ray Wells  • Mellissa Christina  • Randy West  • Pat Manning


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