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The Houseboat

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The Houseboat

Van, a boat dweller, runs a book store. He has lots of time to daydream and write out his stream of consciousness in never-to-be-published tomes. After seeing a particularly fetching girl walk by the store, he chases after her, but to no avail. She becomes the object of his fantasies, seeing her with a customer in the store, on the street, even on the tv in his houseboat den. Days pass and he finds her being harassed by a cop on his street corner. He comes to her aid, she confides her troubles and he takes her in... to his bed. And the rest is history. Porn star history. Because there hasn't been a blonde beauty like this former Penthouse Pet in years. Get ready. Brea Lynn will float your boat.

Duration: 86 minutes

Directed by: Chuck Lords 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in The Houseboat :
 • Tommy Gunn  • Jenaveve Jolie  • Nick Manning  • Chuck Lords  • Brea Lynn  • Poppy Morgan  • Johnny Castle  • Van Damage  • Angela Stone


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