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American Bukkake 28

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American Bukkake 28

Whores take their medicine one spoonful at a time. Oh, the humanity! Sierra Sinn opens the movie in the back of her limo masturbating and getting herself all wet. As she enters a room full of horny guys she strips nude and begins fingering her slit. They all whip out their cocks and start jerking off. In no time at all they are shooting cream on her face and Ashley Blue comes in and spoon feeds Sierra as much as gooey cum she can take, while Sierra takes the facials perfectly. Hailey even lets it run into her eyes. But she takes it like a trooper and even manages a smile now and then while getting showered in mounds of jizz. The guys break out the spoons and scoop up hot loads of cum and help feed it to our hungry young starlets.

Duration: 82 minutes
From the series: American Bukkake
Directed by: Jim Powers 
Studio: JM Productions 

Watch these pornstars in American Bukkake 28 :
 • Hector Steele  • Ryan Knox  • Sierra Sinn  • Ashley Blue  • Hailey Young  • Rick Madrid


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