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In Fucktards, Paul Morris chronicles the sex sessions of men who momentarily lose their minds in the pursuit of pleasure. FUCKTARDS is an ode to every man who feels an overwhelming sexual desire and acts on that desire, wholly surrendering himself to the experience, no matter where it takes him or how he gets there," said director Morris. "I like to call it 'noble stupidity,'" he added, expanding on the video's theme. "Approach real sex, real risk and danger, and you'll feel your brain start to fog up. As you get closer to the fire, your IQ sinks lower and lower until you're nothing but a raving buck-in-rut thinking from your crotch."Coming in at three hours, the video showcases the sexploits of T.I.M. exclusives Ethan Wolfe, Jackson Taylor, John Dahl, and just announced Jack Allen, along with no limits fuckers BJ, Blue, Chad Brock, Chris Kohl , Christian Rock, Devlin Michaels, James Roscoe, Jerry Stearns, Lito Cruz, Luca Bondi, Luke Bennett, Nick Moretti, Patrick O'Conner, Sunny, Trasher, Ty Roberts and The Fucktard, himself. The bonus material includes a fascinating looking into the mind of The Fucktard in an interview-cum-monlogue. There are also behind-the-scenes moments with new Treasure Island Media crew members Pony and Trevor, who got their first tastes of T.I.M.'s trademark raw, authentic style while shooting scenes for FUCKTARDS and to whom Morris dedicated this one .

Duration: 182 minutes

Directed by: Paul Morris 
Studio: Treasure Island Media 

Watch these pornstars in Fucktards :
 • John Dahl  • Devlin Michaels  • Sunny (m)  • Luca Bondi  • Patrick O'Connor  • Jerry Stearns  • Jack Allen  • Nick Moretti  • Blue Bailey  • Lito Cruz  • James Roscoe  • Jackson Taylor  • Jay Elliott  • B.J. Slater  • Chris Kohl  • Luke Bennett  • Ty Roberts  • Christian Rock  • Pony  • Gerin  • Chad Brock  • Trasher  • Trevor  • Ethan Wolf


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