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Great British Grannies

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Great British Grannies

In the first of a new series celebrating Great British Grannies, Fred and G turn to the world of fashion design and they find Madam Lilley. Shes willing to offer her mature figure for a deep dicking double fitting. Fred offers Jane more than discounts when she deep throats his cock. G tells chubby beauty technician Shazz that hes got something long and hard that requires her attention. Needing a favorable review, G shows columnist Naomi his expertise at pushing his thread through the eye of her needle.

Duration: 133 minutes
From the series: Great British Grannies
Directed by: Fat Freddie 
Studio: Load Enterprises Simply Films 

Watch these pornstars in Great British Grannies :
 • Shazz  • Tiger May  • Jane Bond  • Naomi XXX  • Freddie (Load Enterprises)


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