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Lesbian Doms and Subs 2: Troubled Teen Learns To Respect Authority

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Lesbian Doms and Subs 2: Troubled Teen Learns To Respect Authority

Troubled blonde Annika Albrite was released from juvenile hall on her 18th birthday, and moves into a halfway house while she's on probation. She thinks her troubles have come to an end, but dominant house lesbian Kayla Carrera has other ideas - including her own sexual satisfaction.

Duration: 23 minutes
From the series: Lesbian Doms And Subs
Directed by: Nica Noelle 
Studio: Girl Candy Films 

Watch these pornstars in Lesbian Doms and Subs 2: Troubled Teen Learns To Respect Authority :
 • Kayla Carrera  • Annikka Albrite


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