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Divine Bitches: Aiden Starr, Maitresse Madeline And Vince Ferelli

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Divine Bitches: Aiden Starr, Maitresse Madeline And Vince Ferelli

40 women. 2 birthdays. 1 piece of meat. Never before on ANY femdom site have you seen such a blatant form of male humiliation until now. It's true, The Divine are usually put together pretty well but, even they need to let their hair down and take a break from keeping those filthy boys in line. It's like a frat party but with women and Vince is the lucky piece of meat at the butt of the joke. This is reality femdom at it's finest. Maitresse Madeline and Aiden Starr spend their birthday with 40 local ladies plucked off the streets of San Francisco and one lucky male stripper. This is as real as it gets and the majority of these girls have NEVER seen or done ANYTHING like this before. But, Madeline creates this certain energy in the room and the ladies transform and can't control themselves. They ALL become hungry, ravenous femdoms! EVERYONE participates giving Vince Ferelli a run for his money with corporal punishment, CBT, CFNM, foot worship and the biggest strap-on ass fucking gang bang you've seen in femdom. Madeline stuffs this huge hunk of man meat in a clear, restrictive box with only his useful bits left out while the ladies take turns smothering his face with their asses. He's left hungry, humiliated and covered in female nectar. Lucky fucking bastard.

Duration: 72 minutes
From the series: Divine Bitches


Watch these pornstars in Divine Bitches: Aiden Starr, Maitresse Madeline And Vince Ferelli :
 • Maitresse Madeline  • Aiden Starr  • Vince Ferelli


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