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Divine Bitches: Maitresse Madeline And John Jammen

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Divine Bitches: Maitresse Madeline And John Jammen

John Jammen's one lucky piece of man meat. It's not often Maitresse Madeline plucks slave meat off the street for shits and giggles but when she does, the little bitch knows he's one LUCKY MOTHER FUCKER! John's goofy fucking smile is wiped from his face with hard face slapping, CBT, flogging, and humiliation. Maitresse wants to play so she slaps a thick, clear cock extending sheath over his hard craving dickstick and let's him slide it in her wet pussy. With the sheath on it's not like he can feel her pussy anyway! But, get this, this horny mother fucker still blows his load in the sheath while deep inside Maitresse. Just being close to her is enough to make him lose it. How dare him! So, Maitresse makes it the goal of her day to milk as much filthy sperm out of his boiling balls until he's completely raw and begging for her to stop. The stimulation is to much! This will teach him to NEVER lose his load without permission again!

Duration: 52 minutes
From the series: Divine Bitches


Watch these pornstars in Divine Bitches: Maitresse Madeline And John Jammen :
 • Maitresse Madeline  • John Jammen


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