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Christopher Street Blues

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Christopher Street Blues

What would you do if you were a young & very pretty office guy who wanted desperately a promotion? Well, if everybody in your office was gay, married, but very, very hot youd sleep and blackmail your way to the top! He was too beautiful, too adorable, too desirable, but he was greedy. He wanted it all, and knew how to get it. He knew that his body was more than was incredible. He had what every man in the company wanted. There is only one way to the top and it was right inside his zipper!

Duration: 59 minutes

Directed by: Winston Graves Wesdon Coyle 
Studio: French Connection G.F.I. 

Watch these pornstars in Christopher Street Blues :
 • Lee Edwards  • Charles Black  • Mark Hamilton  • Lew Seager  • Guiseppe Welsh  • Dan Raymond


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