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Naked Kombat: Brock Armstrong VS Tober Brandt

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Naked Kombat: Brock Armstrong VS Tober Brandt

This week, muscular Brock Armstrong takes on the notorious Bound Gods dom Tober Brandt. The naive and cocky Brock comes to Naked Kombat as a former state champ wrestler, and can't wait to teach Tober what it's like to deal with refined skill. Tober, on the other hand, brings his street smarts and experience as a bouncer to show Brock that on this mat, rules will get you nowhere. These fighters are evenly stacked, and it doesn't take long for it to get personal between the two of them. Who will take the prize in this contest between proven method and rebellious disregard?

Duration: 44 minutes
From the series: Naked Kombat

Studio: KinkMen 

Watch these pornstars in Naked Kombat: Brock Armstrong VS Tober Brandt :
 • Tober Brandt  • Brock Armstrong


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