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Spanking Stories 3

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Spanking Stories 3

Tony walks into the sleeping Liam's room and is confronted by a war zone of a mess. Liam is then dragged down OTK and spanked with the slipper - so hard that parts of the slipper are flying off in all directions. Tony then makes the lad start to pick up the offending items and slaps Liam's ass as he does it. He is hoisted high over Tony's knees so he has nothing to hang onto and is hand spanked hard - arms and legs flailing around in the process.James is told that his mate Jacob can stay over but they have to share a bed - top to tail. The two lads undress and get into bed. What follows is a squabble about the amount of covers that each has and the share of the bed space, so they end up having a pillow fight during the course of which the curtains are ripped. The noise brings Tony to the scene and he tears them off a strip. James is laughing as he is told off and this just makes matters worse. Jacob is first OTK, in the standing position; He is then made to stand against the wall as James gets his.

Duration: 46 minutes
From the series: Spanking Stories
Directed by: Tony Vincent 
Studio: Pangolin Holdings 

Watch these pornstars in Spanking Stories 3 :
 • Liam  • James  • Jacob  • Matt  • Tony  • Gery


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