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Big Boy Butt Bang

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Big Boy Butt Bang

Here s a BIG HOT DONKEY DICK BOY for your viewing pleasure! 20 year-old Leeam is not your average boy; he is something very special at 6'5" tall, 220lbs, big blue eyes and size 14 feet. He's already hot enough to make your dick hard but when you see his massive tool, you'll drool yes, it's a 10-inch monster cock (and THICK!). I mean this guy's dick is longer and thicker than a red bull can. Leeam made us want to jump his bones the minute we got him alone, and WOW his man/boy ass is BIG and hard and hairy in all the right places. We have become good friends with him and he has since come to Boston to visit us for a second video - that one is also VERY hot! He is a big shy boy at first, but when he opens up he is a blast in the sack. Best of all; he is very ticklish and you all might know that I have a major weakness for ticklish guys. In a word, Leeam is just plain A-fucking-Dorible! Make sure you catch how he came hands-free as I was penetrating him. He had a shocked look on his face as he was spurting his wad. And then he came! And yes guys; he's single and a vers/top.

Duration: 39 minutes

Directed by: Maverick Man 
Studio: MaverickMan22 Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Big Boy Butt Bang :
 • Leeam  • The Maverick Men  • Hunter "Maverick Man"  • Cole Maverick


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