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Sarah B And Charlie Laine

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Sarah B And Charlie Laine

After a long day of shopping for vibrators and lingerie, Charlie and Sarah peel out of their sweaty clothes to try on their sexy finds! This leads to some hot masturbation with the girls stabbing their pink slits with a vengeance! Leading to a hot 69, and pussy grinding! And it gets better with a 18 inch double dong sliding in and out of their dirty tight pussies holes! After multiple orgasms it's off to the shower to clean off and explore their cunts some more with the warm soapy water glistening on their young bodies. They towel off to frig their hot cunt holes one last time!

Duration: 82 minutes

Studio: Magic Moments Video 

Watch these pornstars in Sarah B And Charlie Laine :
 • Charlie Laine  • Sarah B.


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