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TS Seduction: Johanna B And John Jammen

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TS Seduction: Johanna B And John Jammen

When Johanna's shoot is canceled, she prowls the armory for a suitable afternoon romp. She finds a maintenance guy who is pie-eyed and eager to help anyone at his new job. What John doesn't know could fill a dungeon. He gets seduced and tied up by Johanna. He's nervous around this beautiful and sexy woman and when she barely licks his dick, he cums. His big load is impressive, but his lack of control is not. Johanna decides he must learn how to take a cock sucking without exploding, so she reveals her hard dick and John goes wild with surprise. Too late.

Duration: 47 minutes
From the series: TS Seduction


Watch these pornstars in TS Seduction: Johanna B And John Jammen :
 • Johanna Badine  • John Jammen


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