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Spanish Army Sluts

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Spanish Army Sluts

It's not just the British army that has its fair share of hot and horny butt-raiders seems like there's plenty of the same ilk in this Latin-based escapade, where a bunch of over-sexed dudes take time to get to their military colleagues better. And we mean much better! No negligent mischarges here, boys. The weapons in hand are all loaded and ready to fire, which we can assure that they do. Big time! All resulting in a hot, sticky jizz-stained soaking for every recruit around!

Duration: 93 minutes

Studio: Staxus Collection 

Watch these pornstars in Spanish Army Sluts :
 • Tonny Ross  • Chester Pool  • Alex Grander  • Ennio Guardi  • Lex Olsen  • Jon Bruno  • Jon Roz  • Jack Blue  • Caleb Moreton  • Marcel Bimore  • Kevin Arbor  • Nick Cox  • Thomas Fiaty  • Keny Austin  • Robin Snoyer  • Ali Montero  • Eamon August  • Rolando Wyer


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