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50 Shades Unrestrained Melissa Day 1

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50 Shades Unrestrained Melissa Day 1

Mellissa is brand new and she is 19 years old. She was late today and must pay for it. Mellissa get interview fully clothed in the first scene. Michael Kahn undresses this teen, exposing her fit tight body, pantyhose heels and she has a lot of tattoos. He kisses her neck and puts his hand down her panties. They kiss, then a slight spanking while standing. She then gets put over his knee and she gets spanked some more. She then sits on his lap; he sucks her titties and has some nipple play. Then, a bit of face smacking along with playing with her pussy again. Michael then tells her hes not feeling like he can trust her. He has her lying down and removes her panties and sticks her panties in her mouth. He then takes a vibrator on her pussy making her orgasm, over and over again!

Duration: 25 minutes
From the series: 50 Shades Unrestrained
Directed by: Michael Kahn 
Studio: Michael Kahn Productions 

Watch these pornstars in 50 Shades Unrestrained Melissa Day 1 :
 • Michael Kahn  • Melissa Day


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